Three current and former lab members presented work at the 2023 Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington D.C.! From left to right: Sonali Naik, former undergraduate research assistant, presented on postural stability. Her project found …
Year: 2023
Dr. Travers presents at Scientific Symposium for the Waisman’s 50th Anniversary event!
With the Waisman Center turning 50 years old this year, a Scientific Symposium was held that featured researchers from inside and outside of the Waisman community. Our very own Dr. Brittany Travers gave a talk …
Farewell, Dr. Surgent!
Earlier this month we said farewell to our beloved Dr. Olivia Surgent, who received her PhD this past December. Olivia will be working as a T32 Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California – Davis …
Meet Monica, our newest PhD student!
This fall, we are welcoming a new MD-PhD student to our lab, Monica Duran! Originally from Puerto Rico, she moved to Madison, WI in 2020 for the start of the MD-PhD program at UW. She’s …
Welcome back, Brittany!
After 8 months of learning at the University of Málaga and traveling, Brittany is back! Brittany taught classes at the university and learned all about new ways to measure movement of the body. While she …
Emily Skaletski receives award at Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars conference
Last week our very own Emily Skaletski was one of two winners of the best student poster at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars conference! The event was held in Columbus, Ohio where she presented …
Lab leadership rendezvous in Stockholm!
This week our post-doctoral fellow Dr. Olivia Surgent, PhD candidate Emily Skaletski, and PI Dr. Brittany Travers met up in Stockholm, Sweden. They visited the Nobel prize museum, saw the Royal Palace, and generally took …
Dr. Olivia Surgent presents poster at INSAR
Dr. Olivia Surgent presented her poster this week at the annual meeting for the International Society for Autism Research in Stockholm, Sweden! Her presentation highlighted the unique sensorimotor pathways for grip strength in the brain …
URS Student Presentations
Our Undergraduate Research Scholar (URS) students had their presentations last week at Union South! Susan Lei, Lauren Salmi, Madelyn Scheid, and Roselyn Pacheco presented our Brainy Movement Study for Kids to the program …
Dr. Travers shares our work and visits strengths-based school for autistic individuals in Barcelona
As a part of Dr. Travers’ Fulbright scholarship work in Malaga, Spain, she has the opportunity to travel and share our research with others. Last week she had the privilege of visiting Carrilet, …