Olga Dadalko, PhD

Position title: 2016-2019

Email: dadalko@wisc.edu

I have just arrived to Madison from sunny and steamy Nashville, TN, where I lived for seven years doing my graduate work in molecular neuroscience at Vanderbilt University, and studying and teaching yoga. I enjoy active and mindful lifestyle, and do my best to promote emotional intelligence for people’s well-being, whether it’s through my research or by teaching yoga and mediation. I am very excited to join the Travers lab, where I will work to combine my passions for neuroscience and yoga. I believe that creating a strong research foundation in this area will help developing broadly accepted therapeutic interventions and standard preventative care, ultimately promoting well-being and helping more people to live to their fullest potential.

Something I love: traveling, exploration, diving (in any medium – water or air ;)), cats. To be very honest, I love food, too.

What I get excited about: meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. Talking about the brain.

What I am scared of: Wisconsin winters. But, I was born and grew up in Russia, so, hopefully, the acquired survival mechanisms will kick in.