Brainy Movement and UW LINK Studies entering new phase of data collection

The Brainy Movement Study for Kids and UW LINK Study have been seeing participants and their families now since 2019 and 2021 respectively. These two projects are now entering new phases in their data collection, and we are excited to share these milestones!

Brainy Movement will be expanding its inclusion criteria to include those autistic children 6-10 years old who would have been unable to complete an MRI scan in the first years of the study. Beginning 12/12, this project will include 2-2.5 hours of child activities and 1.5-3 hour parent interview, without the scheduling of a brain scan. We look forward to being able to expand our inclusion to more children who would not have been able to participate in the first 3 years of the study!

UW LINK is a 3 year longitudinal study, meaning it sees the same participants once a year over the course of 3 years. We are excited to be wrapping up year 1 and welcoming back our families for year 2! It will be great to see families from last year again while we continue to accept new families with autistic children ages 4-6 years old for year 1.